Find Assisted Living Apartments in Aiken

530 Benton House Way, Aiken, SC

Find Assisted Living Apartments in Aiken

The senior living community at Benton House of Aiken is thrilled to offer some of the best assisted living apartments in Aiken. We provide seniors with a great place where they can be themselves and continue to live the lifestyle that they choose. The residents of our assisted living apartments receive the care and support that they need while also having the independence that they want. Our community also allows residents to move conveniently about our grounds at their own pace and take part in activities that they enjoy. Benton House of Aiken provides a bright and vibrant community of assisted living apartments that are unlike anything in Aiken.

If you would like to learn more about the assisted living apartments that we have to offer, please call Benton House of Aiken now at 803-913-6500. Visitors may also get in contact with any of our helpful professionals by simply completing the online request form found on this page.

Top Rated Assisted Living Apartments in Aiken

Benton House of Aiken has built a reputation for ourselves based on the high-quality care services that we provide. We are a trusted source of senior support and our assisted living apartments make it easy for residents to get the care that they need. Our staff takes care of the daunting tasks that seniors face in daily lives. For one, our team cooks three meals a day for our community members to allow them to have more free time to spend doing what they wish. We also work to clean-up around residences and perform any maintenance tasks needed. Benton House of Aiken can also provide assistance in managing medications and providing transportation to regular doctors’ visits.

When you choose Benton House of Aiken, you are choosing unmatched care and support for your senior. Our 24/7 care includes emergency care capabilities so that you can have added peace of mind knowing that your senior loved one is in good hands.

Cost-Friendly Assisted Living Apartments in Aiken

At Benton House of Aiken, we offer assisted living apartments that can easily fit your budget. We have a number of floor plans to choose from so that you can find the option that best fits your needs. Our fair and affordable rates are competitive with our top competition in the area and we have great financing solutions available. Our staff will work to see if your senior is eligible for additional financial help from organizations like the VA and their Aid & Attendance program.

To find out more about the assisted living apartments at Benton House of Aiken, call us today at 803-913-6500. You can also get in contact with any of our friendly associates by filling out the easy to use form on this page.

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