Assisted Living in Aiken vs a Nursing Home

530 Benton House Way, Aiken, SC

Assisted Living in Aiken vs a Nursing Home

It’s important to know that there are many similarities and differences when it comes to comparing a traditional nursing home with the assisted care community at Benton House of Aiken. These two options are similar in that they both allow seniors to receive the care and support that they need on a daily basis. Our assisted living community features 24-hour care services from trained specialists in order to provide residents and family members with added peace of mind. What separates the assisted living community that we have to offer in Aiken is that our residences are designed to make seniors feel as though they are a part of a community. We aim to give seniors the support that they need without sacrificing their independence. Seniors in our assisted care community receive the freedom that they wish while receiving the support that they need.

To find out more about the differences between our assisted living in Aiken and a nursing home, call us now at 803-913-6500. Visitors can also get in contact with any of our friendly associates by simply filling out the easy to use form on this page.

Assisted Living Specialists in Aiken

The professional senior support team that serves our assisted living community has the skills and knowledge needed to provide seniors with the best care imaginable. Our team members look to build a personal relationship with our seniors in order for our community members to feel comfortable in communicating their needs to our staff. Our goal is always to provide discreet and unobtrusive care as to not interfere with our residents’ daily lives. The residents of our community can call for our team members 24/7 using emergency response buttons located throughout our assisted living residences. We even provide residents with their own personal emergency pendant that they can use to call for help from anywhere.

Independent & Supported Assisted Living in Aiken

Our goal at Benton House of Aiken is to offer an assisted living community that makes seniors feel supported as well as free to move around their community. We give our residents the choice of how they spend their time and offer an abundance of activities and events for seniors to partake in. Our community offers a variety of daily event offerings for residents to choose from in order to meet a wide range of interests.

For more information on the benefits to an assisted care community in Aiken, call Benton House of Aiken today at 803-913-6500. You can also get in touch with any of our helpful professionals by completing the online request form located on this page.

Assisted Living in Aiken vs a Nursing Home

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