Assisted Living Communities Aiken

530 Benton House Way, Aiken, SC

Assisted Living Communities Aiken

It can be tricky to find a balance between complete care and affordability, but our assisted living communities are a great choice. Benton House assisted living communities can provide your loved one with the absolute best care possible that is delivered with respect. That is because our residents are more than a name and number on a clipboard, they are a part of our family.

When you are ready to learn more about our assisted living communities, please do not hesitate to call 803-913-6500 to speak with an Aiken representative. They will be able to answer all of your questions, help you schedule your visit, and generally be helpful in any way they can. Or to send us a message instead, please fill out the form found on this page and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Affordable Assisted Living Communities Aiken

Benton House assisted living communities are built to provide a place where your loved one not only receives the care that they need but where they are truly home. Our staff will be able to discuss all the available financing options. For example, we accept long term care insurance and offer a companion living program. This program allows for a new resident to share a living space with a current resident. This will not only reduce living costs but will also ease the transition into our assisted living communities. Not to mention being able to enjoy all of our benefits and amenities.

The US Department of Veterans Affairs has a program for Veterans and their spouses that may help defray senior living costs. Our professional, personalized service will provide you with step by strep assistance. If you are unsure if this is something that you can benefit from, we will be happy to assist you in finding the appropriate VA representative.

Spacious Assisted Living Communities Aiken

Our assisted living communities are built to ensure that our residents are completely cared of, and comfortable. The communities are all on one level, so there is no need to worry about stairs. Residents can choose to spend their time with family and friends in the common areas, or maybe enjoy a book within the gorgeous courtyard. And to ensure you can rest easy, each resident receives a personal emergency pendant, to ensure help is available if needed.

To learn more about our wonderful assisted living communities, please call 803-913-6500. There you will be able to speak with one of our Aiken associates that can answer any questions that you may have. If you would prefer to send us a message, please fill out the form found on this page and we will contact you shortly.

Assisted Living Communities Aiken

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